You run a family business as a mother and daughter. Do you usually look in the same direction, or do you have to find common paths?
That’s a funny question to start with. When I think about it, today we get along great and have mutual respect for each other. We are well-coordinated, agree on our views, and form a perfect team as a mother and daughter. As for the journey to achieving this, I believe every mother with a somewhat temperamental child can imagine it in great detail. 😊 We won’t lie—it hasn’t always been easy.
You specialize in blood drop analysis using a Darkfield microscope. What makes this microscope unique?
Darkfield microscopes are a special category of laboratory microscopes that, in addition to standard optical-mechanical properties, offer the ability to observe samples using the darkfield method. We purchased our Darkfield microscope from the Czech company Intraco Micro, which has been supplying high-quality microscopes since 1991 and ensures reliable service support. The software used also plays a crucial role.
What can be detected from a drop of blood?
Thanks to this method, we can observe phenomena and components in a live blood sample that are not examined during standard laboratory tests. This method does not replace medical tests but complements them perfectly. A single drop of blood can reveal the condition of red and white blood cells, cell oxidation, predisposition to microthrombosis, autoimmune diseases, intestinal permeability, ongoing inflammations, bacterial infections, specific pathogens such as protozoa, fungi, or yeasts, unprocessed toxins, liver condition, cholesterol, uric acid, and the clogging of the prostate, joints, or blood vessels.
How long have you been working with this method?
My mother has been working with this method for 12 years, and I have been learning for two years.
Where do you operate? Where can people find you?
Currently, we operate in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Clients can visit us at our branch in Jesenice near Prague, and approximately once a month in Piešťany, where we spend an entire week. We also stay in close contact with our clients through our newly established Instagram account, where we communicate daily and respond to all inquiries.
Do you plan to expand?
Definitely yes. We are so fully booked that new clients have to wait about a month and a half before they can get an appointment, which does not help with their urgent health issues. That’s why we are currently training a new colleague, Ing. Pavlína Sehnalová, who has excellent expertise and will officially start accepting new clients in the coming month.
How do clients find out about you?
I assume that doctors do not refer them to you, as most of them tend to be advocates of traditional rather than alternative medicine.
Most often, clients hear about us through recommendations, which makes us very happy because it shows that we have truly helped someone. Others can learn about us through our website or via Instagram Among our clients are also the aforementioned doctors and an even greater number of nurses. It does not happen often, but several doctors have recommended clients to us. The advantage here is the microscope, which allows them to see for themselves and compare blood before and after treatment. Those who have come have stayed because they feel better. After the COVID-19 pandemic, we began to notice that the trend against alternative treatment is reversing, and people are returning to something that has worked for thousands of years.
And does it work the other way around? Do you recommend specialists based on the results of your examinations?
Absolutely yes. As we mentioned above, this method does not replace medical examinations but complements them excellently. This is how we would perceive the examination as complete because there are parameters that we can measure with a microscope but that cannot be detected in laboratories, and vice versa.
Here are a few examples:
a) Traditional blood tests can determine the number of cholesterol or urate plaques, but under a microscope, their size can be seen.
b) Blood tests detect the number of white blood cells, but under a microscope, it is possible to see how large they grow, which affects their function in fighting radicals.
c) Blood tests usually detect bacterial toxicity only from blood plasma, but under a microscope, bacteria can be seen both in the blood plasma and in so-called hidden stages, i.e., inside the cells.
How much does the examination cost?
The initial analysis costs 1,600 CZK (66 euros), and a comparative check-up costs 800 CZK (33 euros).
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected our lives in many ways, dividing society in some aspects and bringing it together in others. What happens at the cellular level during COVID-19?
Several things were happening. As you can see in the image, healthy oxidized cells formed so-called rouleaux, which create chain-like shapes from red blood cells. These rouleaux most commonly form when the body comes into contact with a viral or bacterial infection, disrupting the negatively charged charge of the cells, which previously enabled oxidation. The oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells is automatically reduced, preventing them from distributing these essential elements throughout the body. If it is a bacterial infection, it is straightforward because bacteria are usually present in the blood plasma, and CRP levels start to rise. In the opposite case, it is more complicated because no virus has ever been isolated to date, except for the herpes virus, and it cannot be seen under a microscope. Instead, work is done with proteins. Regarding COVID-19 specifically, we almost always observed a kind of "cocktail." This included the presence of antibodies (so-called spike proteins), high liver strain, very low oxidation (rouleaux formation), as well as the presence of various bacteria and aspergillus allergens, depending on the mutation.
Did you personally contract COVID-19?
Yes, several times. Unfortunately, it is unavoidable. If we detected an overgrowth of bacteria under the microscope, we took natural antibiotics like Allicin because conventional antibiotics were insufficient due to bacterial resistance. To oxidize the blood and break down the rouleaux, we used Andrographis, which is 15 times stronger than milk thistle, organic sulfur, diatomaceous earth (which binds waste substances), and NMN for cell regeneration and oxidation. Thanks to this combination, we were sick for a maximum of two to three days, and we completely avoided post-COVID syndrome.
On your website, you offer various dietary supplements and natural cosmetics. I was intrigued by the certified NMN supplement. What does this abbreviation mean, and what is this dietary supplement used for?
NMN, or Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, is a naturally occurring molecule in our body that increases the level of the coenzyme NAD+. This coenzyme is found in all cells and helps restore red blood cells (erythrocytes), which may become deformed after bacterial or viral infections. It serves as a regeneration mechanism for our cells and modifies information to ensure that newly formed cells are healthy. For NMN to be truly effective, the recommended daily intake for an adult should be 1g per day. Although NMN is present in many foods, you would need to consume 100 kg of broccoli, 69 kg of avocado, or 416 kg of beef to obtain 250 mg of NMN from food.
Why did you choose this product? Is there a shortage of it on the market, or did existing products not meet your criteria?
We decided to produce NMN for two reasons. The most important factor for us is its beneficial effects. Before launching production, we tested it ourselves for several months. It is something we believe in and know works. We can also verify its effectiveness under a microscope.
The second reason was primarily the price. Many manufacturers set prices around 1,000 CZK (42 euros), but the amount of NMN per capsule is almost a quarter of what it should be. Their capsules contain only 200 mg, meaning that to meet the 1g daily intake, a person would need to take five capsules daily. A package contains 30 capsules, so you would suddenly realize you need five packs per month since one lasts only six days. This drives the cost up to 5,000 CZK per month, or 210 euros. We were not willing to pay this. Additionally, some manufacturers state the NMN amount per two capsules instead of one, or they add other substances. Our NMN contains 500 mg of pure NMN per capsule, and a package contains 60 capsules for 1,990 CZK (83 euros). If you take two capsules daily, you will reach the recommended 1g daily intake, and one package lasts exactly one month.
Which dietary supplement would you recommend for children?
Currently, many parents are struggling with children's illnesses and insufficient immunity. Children spend more time at home than at school…
For this case, we recommend Imunoforte Anjolie. It is a product designed to support immunity of microbiological origin, combining patented Penicillium Oxalicum technology with the previously mentioned NMN. This combination is truly unique because it focuses on the health of both red and white blood cells. It is suitable for children from the age of 3 and also serves as excellent prevention before children start school.
We recommend combining Imunoforte with natural antibiotic extracts Allicin from Anjolie, which is excellent against streptococci and other coccus bacteria. NMN, Imunoforte, and Allicin can be purchased on our website
Besides the above-mentioned supplements, what else do you recommend for strengthening children's immunity?
Definitely probiotics and minerals.
And for adults?
For many clients, we recommend a combination of cold exposure and sauna therapy. It is excellent for improving blood circulation in the vascular system. Of course, diet also plays a crucial role.
Have you ever literally saved someone's life based on an examination?
Yes, several times, but these are challenging situations for both us and the client, and sometimes it may not be successful. In a few cases, it involved the final stages of oncological diseases. In several instances, we helped people recover from septic stages.