We all know that smoking is harmful to our health. It is also a major factor contributing to the development of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) – a fatal age-related lung disease that arises due to scarring of lung tissue. While little is known about how IPF develops, we do know that cigarette smoke plays a significant role in the accumulation of aging, non-proliferating cells, which scientists refer to as senescent cells. However, further research is needed to better understand the mechanis...
Scientific studies
For the first time, scientists have demonstrated that a daily dose of 1500 mg of NMN can be safely consumed over an extended period. Studies on rodents have shown that nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation alleviates various age-related diseases, including neurological, cardiovascular, and metabolic disorders. Additionally, clinical studies suggest that NMN supplementation may have positive effects in humans, such as improving muscle mobility in older men and enhancing insulin sensi...
Our Kidneys Filter Around 140 to 150 Liters of Fluid Daily, but Only One to Two Liters Are Excreted into the Bladder. The rest is returned to the body through the bloodstream. As we age, kidney scarring and tissue hardening can impair their ability to filter our blood, allowing proteins to leak into our urine. This pathological process is known as glomerulosclerosis. Treatment for this age-related kidney dysfunction includes dialysis or kidney transplantation. NMN enhances the activation of the...
Yamauchi and colleagues from the University of Tokyo report in Nature Aging that 12 weeks of NMN supplementation more than doubles NAD+ levels in the blood and improves walking speed in older, healthy men. These findings reinforce previous research, which has shown that NMN supplementation increases NAD+ levels in human blood. Additionally, the study suggests that NMN supplementation may potentially help mitigate muscle aging (sarcopenia). NMN More Than Doubles Blood NAD+ Levels and Improves W...
Reveal the Truth with a Single Drop of Blood – Find Out the Real State of Your Health Do you frequently suffer from viral infections and colds? Do seasonal allergies trouble you in spring and autumn? Are you constantly tired and lacking energy? It may be time to discover what is troubling your body. Before visiting your doctor, you can find out what your body lacks from just one drop of blood. What Can a Drop of Blood Reveal? A microscope that analyzes a drop of blood in detail must meet stri...
Eternal Youth? Start Looking at Aging Differently Than Society Dictates Aging is often said to be one of the few fair things in the world. But why do we actually age? Most of us would answer: "That’s just how the world works." But what if we could view aging differently? Do we really have to accept that at a certain age, life is behind us, our best years are gone, and conditions like arthritis and sclerosis are inevitable? Perhaps you’ve met an older person who radiates energy and youthfulnes...
You run a family business as a mother and daughter. Do you usually look in the same direction, or do you have to find common paths? That’s a funny question to start with. When I think about it, today we get along great and have mutual respect for each other. We are well-coordinated, agree on our views, and form a perfect team as a mother and daughter. As for the journey to achieving this, I believe every mother with a somewhat temperamental child can imagine it in great detail. 😊 We won’t lie—i...
Doxorubicin is a chemotherapy drug commonly used to treat blood cancer (leukemia), cancer of the lymphatic system (Burkitt's lymphoma and Hodgkin's lymphoma), and ovarian cancer. One of the major complications of using doxorubicin is the deterioration of heart and physical functions after treatment. Additionally, there are no known medications that counteract the adverse effects of doxorubicin, so researchers continue to seek ways to mitigate its side effects. In a study published in Cells, Gro...